Dart Manipulation Techniques for Flat Patterns

Why flat patternmaking? Flat patternmaking is the fastest and most efficient method for developing design patterns that control the consistency of size and fit of mass-produced garments. Flat patternmaking is unique among other ways in relying on copies of previously developed patterns (working patterns) for manipulation using the slash or …

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Form Measurements and Figure Analysis

Who is the standard ideal figure? She is a composite figure whose measurement standards are based on listening to whom. She evolved from consumer feedback to buyer, buyer to the manufacturer, and manufacturer to model Form Company. Her standards are whatever successful manufacturers, commercial pattern companies, chain, and department stores, …

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Sports Nutrition – Energy Metabolism and Exercise

Introduction The interplay between nutrition and physical activity is as frequently misunderstood as the relationship between industrialization and global climate; most people tend to either underemphasize (“as long as I get enough exercise I can eat whatever I want”) or overemphasize (“each mouthful of food must conform to rigid requirements”) …

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How Gmail Works

What the Devil Is Going On? Before revealing just what’s happening, let’s recap. The DOM inspector inside Firefox will help you dissect the HTML, which will help you again. So, as before, open up Gmail in Firefox, and open the DOM inspector. You already know that the main document is …

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6 more Dramatic Amphitheaters to Rival the Colosseum

Leptis Magna, Libya The site of Leptis Magna, on the coast of Libya, has some of the most impressive Roman remains in Africa (see p45). Two miles (3 km) east of the leading site, by a beach where Greek and Roman columns lie stranded like driftwood, stands a magnificent amphitheater, …

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