Achievement day theme
Achievement Day is an end of the year event where youth and volunteers come together to demonstrate their skills and learn through educational activities. The event is open to all youth and they are encouraged to take part in as many contests and educational activities as desired, but they are limited to participating in no more than three written contests. Participants must be aware if they are eligible to participate in each written test. If they are found to be ineligible for a test they will be disqualified.
Contest is held at the beginning of every club year. 4-Hers are asked to draw a picture and have a catchy slogan promoting 4-H. Pictures need to be drawn on 8 ½ x 11 typing paper. Computer generated themes are not accepted. Entries relating to the advertisement of cigarettes or alcohol will not be accepted. Each school can turn in as many themes as they receive. Themes will be judged at the 4-H office. First through fifth place winners will be announced in every division. The top five themes will be selected and copies mailed to every club to vote for the winning theme. Ties will be broken by the 4-H Ambassadors and the agents. Every club will receive one vote. A $25 monetary award will be awarded to the 4-H member whose theme is chosen for the year.
Club reporter’s scrapbook
Open to all Acadia Parish 4-H Clubs. Created by club reporter ( chairman) and club scrapbook committee. A trophy and monetary prize will be awarded to the club that receives first place. All club scrapbooks will compete against each other. Scrapbooks will all receive a placing. Your club is responsible for submitting articles about your activities to the newspaper and documenting all community service and other activities your club participated in throughout the year in your club’s scrapbook. The club scrapbook will be comprised of two parts. Reporter’s articles – it should contain news clippings from newspapers, school papers and newsletters about the club or articles written to be submitted. B. Scrapbook of all community service and other activities performed by club from the past year. Scoring: Scrapbooks will be judged according to the following criteria.
Community service-learning achievement award
Open to all 4-H Clubs. Contest Description: An ongoing service-learning project that involves the entire club. Includes 40Ø hours of education, planning, implementing, community partnerships, reflecting, etc. Which add to the overall enhancement of generosity of youth? A report form outlining the club’s service-learning project must be submitted by the designated date to participate. Form found in forms applications. Up to 10 pages of supporting materials can be included. These items can include pictures, letters, news articles, etc. The reporting period for this award should be from August of the previous year to April of the current year. Award application and supporting material must be submitted in a 3 ring binder. Awards will be given at Achievement Day.
Fishing sports skill-a-thon
Open to all 4-H members. Team contest made up of two to three individuals. Team members can be from different clubs and different grades. This is a skill-a-thon contest. This is not a written test. Contest Description: The contestant will be required to take a test relating to fishing (rules, limits, safety, ethical issues, etc.) Identify fish, and fishing gear. Contestant will also use a rod/reel that will be provided. Practice casting into kiddie swimming pools from distances varying 5-40ft. Study Guide/References: LDWF Website (, LDWF Sport Fish Identification Pocket Guide, LDWF Fishing and Boating Regulations Book
Last word
This achievement day test is open to all sixth to twelfth grade 4-H members. Contestants will be required to identify specimens from each section, and judge classes. The judging classes will be comprised of actual vegetables & fruits along with vegetables & annual (section C) plants. Five items will be taken from any of the four plant sections and they will only be graded in case of a tie. Plants or plant parts including fruit, root, leaves, stem, seed, etc. May beused.